Reference: 1982

Brand: Kimberfeel

Kimberfeel Miage

Discover the MIAGE model, a recovery shoe for men and women. This mold has been specially designed to offer you the best in comfort. She is extremely light Easy to put on and take off, it can be used as recovery shoes.

Price €36.40 Regular price €45.50
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Reference: 1917

Brand: Sidas

Sidas TRAIL+ Salomon

SIDAS X SALOMON TRAIL RUNNING TEAM COLLABORATION The Trail + SIDAS x Team Salomon insole is innovatively designed to meet the demands of ultra-distance. Co-developed by Team Salomon trail running athletes and foot comfort specialists SIDAS, this collaboration has been meticulously designed to offer the perfect balance of non-slip surface, long-lasting...

Price €38.97 Regular price €59.95
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Reference: 2431

Brand: Accapi


Accapi’s ergonomic knee guard has a differentiated compression structure to provide protection and support in the event of injuries, sprains and traumas, in particular when participating in sports such as skiing, football, tennis, rugby and basketball, where physical impact and the required movements result in frequent, intense stress on the joint....

Price €82.00
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Reference: 836

Brand: Lurbel

Mountain ski socks Lurbel Fuji

Bmax unisex socks specifically designed for trekking at low temperatures. The structure and composition of these socks help to fight the main causes of blisters, which result from overheating, moisture and friction. Its protective and ergonomic structure ESP reinfor­ces these areas where the friction with the trekking shoes is highest

Price €17.95
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Reference: 782

Brand: Ferrino

X-track Case

X-Track Case is the handy extra storage pocket designed for use on the X-Track backpack range but suitable for all Ferrino backpacks. 

Price €12.90
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Face your workouts without suffering from cold feet. This is possible thanks to our new unisex model with height H5 (12-18 cm above the shoe), made with merino wool, one of the natural materials with a high power of temperature retention. Designed for hiking and sports at very low temperatures, where the cold can be a handicap when practicing sports.

Prendas deportivas lana merinoBmaxMerino.pngesp.pngfeelthermoxtrem.png

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Socks made without seams where the right foot differs from the left and with an extra reinforcement in the front part of the shaft for greater protection against the friction of the trekking boot. Greater protection and durability in the areas where there is more friction. In addition, it has a maximum fit strip and self-ventilation zones in the instep area that prevents the sock from moving from the site, offering you greater comfort.


Manufactured with our Bmax merino technology, whose mission of this technology is to keep the feet in perfect condition, combating the appearance of the causes of blisters:




Bmax technology maintains the skin in a correct asepsis, allowing an optimal skin environment, combating the factors that destabilize its natural protective barrier, such as excessive sweating, irritability, friction and the appearance of fungi.

But this does not end here, because this model has an ergonomic structure of the ESP protection system that consists of an additional reinforcement in the areas of greatest impact and wear. More protection, cushioning and comfort in the toe box, heel and midsole area. whose result is:

Enhance the protective effectiveness of Bmax technology in the areas of greatest friction.

Reinforce the consistency of the sock by giving it greater density in the areas exposed to more wear.

Extra cushioning in 25% and 40% compared to the conventional sock.

Likewise, like all our garments, these socks are also supported by the silver base layer, a mesh developed with a high antibacterial power. Normally, most people who play sports sweat and many bacteria thrive on body heat and moisture, producing unpleasant odours. The mission of this layer is to act as the central structure of all garments, giving it an antibacterial effect.


Thermal requirement FEEL THERMO EXTREM: Comfort temperature from -5ºC to -25ºC.

Weight size M: 48 gr.

Recommended: Walking, hiking, trekking, expeditions and mountaineering, climbing.


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