Referència: 1917

Marca: Sidas

Sidas TRAIL+ Salomon

COL·LABORACIÓ EQUIP SIDAS X SALOMON TRAIL RUNNING La plantilla Trail + SIDAS x Team Salomon està dissenyada de manera innovadora per satisfer les exigències d'ultra distància. Desenvolupada conjuntament pels atletes de trail running de l'equip Salomon i els especialistes en comoditat dels peus SIDAS, aquesta col·laboració ha estat dissenyada...

Preu 38,97 € Preu regular 59,95 €
En estoc

Referència: 1982

Marca: Kimberfeel

Kimberfeel Miage

Descobreix el model MIAGE, una sabata de recuperació per a home i dona. Aquest motlle ha estat especialment dissenyat per oferir-te el millor en comoditat. Ella és extremadament lleugera Fàcil de posar i treure, es pot utilitzar com a calçat de recuperació.

Preu 36,40 € Preu regular 45,50 €
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Referència: 2431

Marca: Accapi


La genollera ergonòmica de Accapi té una estructura de compressió diferenciada per a proporcionar protecció i subjecció en cas de lesions, esquinços i traumatismes, en particular quan es participa en esports com l'esquí, el futbol, el tennis, el rugbi i el bàsquet, on l'impacte físic i els moviments requerits resulten en un estrès freqüent i intens en...

Preu 82,00 €
En estoc
Tots els més venuts

Sidas Gel heel Strips


Aquestes tires antilliscants del taló eviten que els peus es moguin dins del calçat.

4,90 €
Impostos inclosos

Aquestes tires antilliscants del taló eviten que els peus es moguin dins del calçat. Si es fan servir de forma preventiva, evitaran la inflor i les butllofes.

Ajust: Col · loqueu les tires de gel antilliscants per al taló a l'interior del seu calçat, on es troba el taló.

Aquest producte és per confort i evitar lesions. NO és una ortesi medical.

Detalls del producte
16 other products in the same category:

Reference: 2439

Brand: Accapi


This shirt, made using seamless technology to offer maximum comfort, has an incorporated back support and takes advantage of the characteristics of the fibre to offer protection and warmth in reducing lumbosacral pain. By improving the circulation of the blood, the infrared emission of the Accapi FIR fibre helps to relieve the sense of tiredness and...

Price €124.00
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Reference: 1917

Brand: Sidas

Sidas TRAIL+ Salomon

SIDAS X SALOMON TRAIL RUNNING TEAM COLLABORATION The Trail + SIDAS x Team Salomon insole is innovatively designed to meet the demands of ultra-distance. Co-developed by Team Salomon trail running athletes and foot comfort specialists SIDAS, this collaboration has been meticulously designed to offer the perfect balance of non-slip surface, long-lasting...

Price €38.97 Regular price €59.95
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Reference: 244

Brand: Sidas

Sidas Custom Insole Bike

100% Custom insole designed for cycling. 100% Custom insole designed for cycling.Custom technology allows 100% customisation of your insoles. Our pre-made / generic insoles DO NOT rectify or eliminate pain, they make your sports activities more comfortable This is a comfort solution. It is not a medical orthosis. For more information:...

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Reference: 1377

Brand: Accapi


The Energy Wave RELAX & SPORT RECOVERY worn regularly after an intense competitive effort or even simply in everyday use (during work, a travel or relaxation) provides, in addition to a more rapid and lasting muscle recovery, a pleasant feeling of well-being making the leg free from muscular tensions, lighter, fresher and more fluid in movement.

Price €38.90
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Reference: 396

Brand: Sidas

Sidas 3Feet Run Protect Mid

3Feet® Protect insoles adapt to your medium foot arch and are designed for runners looking for maximum comfort and protection in each stride!

Price €42.00
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Reference: 2433

Brand: Accapi


The Accapi ultra-thin gloves provide support, protection and warmth in case of trauma, repeated microtrauma, incorrect and repeated movements that lead to inflammation of tendons and nerves, often for professional reasons (continuous use of the mouse, computer keyboard and mobile phone), at other times playing sports such as volleyball, basketball,...

Price €44.00
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Reference: 2432

Brand: Accapi


The Accapi ergonomic ankle band has a differentiated compression structure to provide stability, protection and support in case of trauma and distortions when working, carrying out day-to-day activities or more frequently when playing sport such as volleyball, basketball, football or running on uneven or rough ground. The compression exerted on the ankle...

Price €58.00
In stock

Reference: 1916

Brand: Sidas

Sidas Cushioning Gel

Dynamic gel construction for optimal heel cushioning. Cushioning Gel insoles They are insoles that cushion impacts, thanks to the "Dynamic Cushioning Gel Concept" developed by Sidas: a web of gel microbubbles placed in the impact zone deforms progressively on impact, thus providing exceptional dynamic cushioning. Templates antibacterial and washable.

Price €15.80
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Reference: 2437

Brand: Accapi


This shirt, made using seamless technology to offer maximum comfort, has an incorporated back support and takes advantage of the characteristics of the fibre to offer protection and warmth in reducing lumbosacral pain. By improving the circulation of the blood, the infrared emission of the Accapi FIR fibre helps to relieve the sense of tiredness and pain...

Price €116.00
In stock

Reference: 2429

Brand: Accapi


Accapi’s mitt provides protection and support in activities that stress these joints, such as repetitive and sustained manual tasks, tennis, golf and other sports, and using a mouse, computer keyboard or joystick that are often, for the wrist and for the hand, the cause of joint, tendon and ligament pathologies. At the same time, by improving the...

Price €39.00
In stock

Reference: 2431

Brand: Accapi


Accapi’s ergonomic knee guard has a differentiated compression structure to provide protection and support in the event of injuries, sprains and traumas, in particular when participating in sports such as skiing, football, tennis, rugby and basketball, where physical impact and the required movements result in frequent, intense stress on the joint....

Price €82.00
In stock

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